#MakeEricaProud Challenge
We invite everyone to join us to #MakeEricaProud! Each year between June 15 and July 8 (her birthday!), we will remember Erica and celebrate her life. We ask you to commit to do one thing each of the 24 days that would make Erica proud.
Looking for ideas and suggestions? Here’s 24.
1. Do a random act of kindness.
2. Start or sign a petition.
3. Write a proposal to support change.
4. Do anything that supports voting rights.
5. Donate your time, energy, and/or resources.
6. Go to a museum (and read every plaque).
7. Call or volunteer for a senior citizen.
8. Go for a long walk and take time to appreciate the beauty around you.
9. Reach out to someone in need.
10. Go dancing!
11. Volunteer.
12. Make and share some cake balls.
13. Stop and talk to a neighbor.
14. Make a new friend.
15. Reconnect with an old friend.
16. Start a gratitude journal.
17. Bring people together for action and/or for fun.
18. Go to the theater (see something new!).
19. Do something to fight inequity, poverty, and/or homelessness.
20. Go to the ballet.
21. Play a game with friends.
22. Do your best arabesque and send us a picture.
23. Donate to your favorite charity (we know a good one!).
24. And of course—definitely have some ice cream.